Okay, so I am not a big fan of the word SUCKS...but I absolutely love this song! And, babe this one's for you. You knew it was coming...so hear goes - Happy 9 years!!! We once had a couple we love dearly say they enjoyed hanging out with us because we made them feel "normal" about their own marriage. I don't know if we are normal, but I do know that I married a totally awesome young man who has grown into an amazing husband, eternal companion and friend.
We have our moments...there have been times when I've wondered why he chose me and vise-versa why I chose him...Would you believe that he has NEVER questioned why. Even when we are going through something difficult, his attitude is simply "and this too shall pass!"
I Love Matthew because....
1. He's steady, even keel
2. Good natured
3. Holds the priesthood with honor
4. He is the most AMAZING dad!!!
5. He is very calm
6. He's sincere
7. He is loyal
8. He is still adventurous...i.e. riding down STEEP (mountainous!) hills on a skateboard (good story)-yes once again...thank you chris (motorcycle incident was #1)! Having Nezzy pull him around the neighborhood on his skateboard swerving to miss the cars.
9. He makes me laugh
10. He likes ice cream - but like most things, it isn't the cheap 1/2 gallon kind, no Matt has always had expensive taste's even in ice cream.
11. He introduced me to UFC
12. He makes up the most fantastic song lyrics
13. Would not bail out of the ward "no talent" talent show even though he was sick from embarrassment for days afterwards
14. He can fix most anything although he has less patience than I do, so I often end up fixing things (oh, and then he ends up re-fixing things because his job is always done better!)
15. Has no problem just hanging at home with all us GIRLS! Matt and his girls.
16. Loves games (card games, board games, computer games)
17. Likes sports, but not addicted to sports! That means I actually get to watch what I want on TV and not ESPN or changing to ESPN on every commercial...do you know anyone like that?
18. Loves to try new things - seriously he's always up for something he's never tried or done.
19. Never met a food he didn't like...well almost never! He really didn't like Liver and onions.
20. Reminds me of things to do to make the girls feel special...it's important to him they feel each feel special.
21. Loves daddy daughter dates
22. Fine with three kids...probably would love four:)
23. He's always been family first!
24. He doesn't get emotional (okay sometimes this can get annoying too!)
25. He's a realist
26. He doesn't care if he comes home from a long day at work and I haven't even started dinner yet...he may even go in and throw something together himself...but watch out their pretty odd combinations if he's fixin' it!
27. Makes a mean bowl of oatmeal...the girls even prefer his over mine
28. His little Lucy actually prefers him over me...I go to pick her up sometimes and she pushes me away and says...."no, I want dadda!" This is a first for me, so I am still in shock over this one!
29. He loves me and only me! - well Eliza, Jane and Lucy too
30. Is totally fine with the unknown - doesn't worry about things until they happen
31. Would rather be a good dad and hubby than make millions, not that he'd mind a million dollars, and he does work hard, but his heart is at home
32. He is a hard worker. Really believes in putting in an honest days work for an honest days pay
33. Loves to tell me about whatever video game he is enjoying...even though he knows I couldn't care less...I do try to act like I care though...
34. Has some of the same friends since high school and college and they are still VERY important to him
35. Is a good son and brother; he truly loves his mom, dad, 2 sista's and bro-in-law tremendously
36. Self sacrificing...takes leftovers everyday...even if he really didn't like them will still eat them just to save money and not waste food. Drives and uncomfortable car because it gets 55 mph.
37. Listens to me complain but then trys to find all the positive things about the person or situation
38. Honestly feels horrible if he says something unkind about somebody
39. There is honestly only one person in this whole world he can't stand... yes Chris...you guessed it!
40. Loves learning. He drives about 50 miles to and from work each day and is constantly picking up a new audio book to listen to. And, he doesn't listen to the mind-numbing, all for fun books like me (All of Sophie Kinsella's books). He picks up anything from Fountain Head by Ayn Rand to Who killed the electric car to Gone with the wind. BTW, Gone with the Wind is now one of his very favorite books, the movie doesn't do it justice he says.
41. Is willing to change his opinion. You may not believe this about Matt, but he really does listen (some people think he's a bit stubborn). Then he will think on things - sometimes for quite a while and he often comes back with his mind changed.
42. Is 1 million times more patient and laid back then 10 years ago!!!
43. His favorite vacation is exactly the same as mine....beach, sun and sand!
44. He has conviction, principles, morals and values and integrity and he never doubts his testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And has no problem sharing it with those around him.
45. Takes the girls fairy hunting in the mountains, then takes the time to photoshop fairies into their photo's so they really believe in fairies.
46. Makes up great stories
47. Loves the outdoors, camping, hiking anything to do with nature!
48. Loves kids. He especially loves his nieces and nephews
49. Wants the best for me and supports me in my role as wife and mom.
50. Last, but not least - He always has my back! (but babe, I have yours too ;) it just may take a little more convincing like and elbow to the ribs!
51. And lastly, he is forgiving and tender. In tough times he has been a rock for me and for our friends always encouraging people to make the right choice...even when it was hard.
So, as Kelly Clarkson would say "My life would suck without you !!!"
You have to know how it all started to understand why I love this song so much and why it is perfect for Matthew and me. When we were first getting to know each other Matthew took me on a drive just to tell me that "he thought I was great...but he didn't want to date me." Which I thought was funny because I just thought he was a friend at that time. He'd only been home from his mission a few months and he had a "plan" for his life. College done...then marriage. Later he told me that he knew that if he started dating me, it would only lead to one thing...marriage and so he wanted to make sure that this didn't go anywhere because it was not part of the plan. Needless to say it was only about 2 nights later that he changed his mind and decided that he "did" want to date me.
And, it is not that I think we are dysfunctional, messed up or that either of us have "issues" but I think that we all have issues, are messed up, or dysfunctional in some way and that is part of the beauty of this life. We have however long we have here on earth to change, correct, and perfect those area's of our personality or life that are not functioning the way they should be. That's what Heavenly Father's plan is all about. He takes to imperfect beings, places them together for time and all eternity and allows them to to work together to create that truly eternal (perfect) relationship. It's not perfect in the beginning it has issues, it's sometimes dysfunctional and messed up, but it gets better and more perfect with time and work. "Forever united here somehow, you got a piece of me and honestly, my life would suck without you!" I love ya babe, and as you said tonight...9 down 45 to go (in this life) and I say 9 down and eternity to go!
Happy Anniversary and Birthday you two! I hope youi guys had a great day. We miss you guys.
WOW! That was awesome, i sometimes need to be reminded of all the great things about my little Bro., We don't see him enough. It's a beautiful post, and now you can refer to it when you are wondering WHY??? I love you Matt, I am so glad that we have this friendship in our adult years!but I really love you Jen!(and it's obvious to anyone who knows you, why he picked Pretty Penny...) Happy Happy Birthday/Anniversary guys!
also I have a hot bod.
Awww! Happy Birversary to our favs!
Spense here, for some reason I can't seem to change the account. Yeah Jen, he is a pretty great guy, I can attest to most of that, but he doesn't reply to facebook posts, so good thing there was nothing about that on there.
#8- Got some stories from high school about that, wrong way on the free way ramp, and not my fault Matt
#10- Got me hooked on expensive Mormon safe drinks, drives Nadia nuts.
#26- Had a few interesting combos in college
#34- Glad to still call Matt my longest lasting friend
#36- At least it doesn't smell of tabasco sauce. He went through enough cars in high school that he is paying for it now.
#41-Totally agree, seems like a butt head but is honestly open minded
#42- And even more so then 5 years before that.
#47- Spring break in high school, Havasu? No, try camping two years, just chillin, especially senior year on the Mogillion Rim, loved it.
You guys are great, we love and miss you, meant to call but was my usual weasel.
Oh how we love and miss you guys!
well my darlings, you can see how (un)-often I get to sit in front of my computer to read blogs lately BUT boy! this one was worth the wait! Thanks for sharing...I am happy to hear your love for him and his for you, since I love you each & both so much, too! He is awesome to me, You are too, Jenn, and together, well, "I have no greater Joy than to know that my children walk in truth" and love for each other. jo'Mama
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